Jennifer Marie was diagnosed with Ulcerative colitis 15 years ago. Since her health condition rapidly worsens, she had to be put on a ton of medications, including steroids, and was hospitalized for almost two weeks. During that period she lost about 15 lb (7 kg).
Over time she also developed Sacroiliitis due to Ulcerative colitis. The doctors told her that the damage to her SI joint was so bad and that she might not be able to walk in the future.
Finding out that she will have a chronic illness for the rest of her life made her think about her lifestyle and to do the necessary changes to improve her quality of life and to maintain her health issues under the radar.
And, that was actually the moment when she began taking action and doing extensive research.
After a complete lifestyle change including dietary changes, supplements, workouts, and changing my attitude and perspective I can function again finally.
Jennifer Marie started with her Instagram account @anti_inflammatory_guru with one goal, to help people fighting chronic illness and to be the support for all of them.
I feel lucky to be here today and just really want to help others who are experiencing inflammation.
She didn`t let her disease stop her from enjoying life, on the contrary, she has found the inner strength on her journey with invisible and lifetime illness, and, on that journey by exploring anti-inflammatory foods and facts about IBD, by helping herself, is also helping others to ease the symptoms.